Dr. H.C. Moisés Goiz
Your instructor, Dr. h.c. Moisés Goiz, studied psychology, is a senior computer technician, architect, specialist in radio frequency and microwave transmission; and specialist in neuroimaging interpretation.
Over 10 years, he has studied the neurological behavior of hundreds of people, has given thousands of sessions and trained expert consultants in Mexico, USA, Spain, Ireland, Brazil, Bolivia, and Chile.
Desarrolló el método Códica cuando se dió cuenta que un patrón autodestructivo es casi imposible de erradicar. Así que dedicó los últimos 15 años de su vida a desarrollar soluciones que permite identificar y modificar esos patrones de conducta.
También, siendo hijo del Dr. h.c. Isaac Goiz Durán, continúa el legado de su padre impartiendo cursos de Biomagnetismo.
Studies and awards
- Doctorado Honoris Causa por la Academia de Ciencias, Artes, Cultura y Educación con aval del Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Madrid. Año 2022.
- Doctorate Honoris Causa by the Honoris Causa Doctoral Senate AC. 2020.
- Consultant of the Secretary of Technological Development of the State of Veracruz. 2012-2015
- Graduate in Psychology, Universidad Veracruzana. 2015
- Instructor of Human Capital Training Courses, National Council for Standardization and Certification of the Secretary of Public Education. 2015
- Director of the “Escuela Libre de Coaching IPSUM”. 2010-2012
- Emotional Balance Instructor at Transformación Humana SC. 2008-2011
- Developer of the Bosque de Niebla residential subdivision in the city of Xalapa Veracruz. 2008-2015
- Founder of “Desarrolladora Make It”, a company dedicated to developing business projects. 2005-2015
- Ontological Coach at the "Escuela Libre de Coaching IPSUM". 2008
- Honorable mention of the National Architecture Award "Mario J. Pani" UNAM. 2001
- Conference "Digital Medicine" during the first International Congress of Medical Biomagnetism, the concepts that emerged from this collaboration are the bases of what we now know as Bioenergetics.
- Medical Biomagnetism Course, first generation at the CIBM. 2001
- Radiofrequency and Microwave Specialist for Telcel, Iusacell, Movistar and Alcatel. 2001 to 2008
- Second place in the National Steel Innovation Award, CANACERO. 2002
- Bachelor of Architecture, “Universidad del Tepeyac”. 2000
- Winner of the National Physics Olympiad.1994
- Higher Technician in Programming and Computer Science, CB. 1995.